In this article, I have compiled some of the most captivating treks I have undertaken in the territory around Lake Iseo. Ranging from simple walks suitable for everyone to long stretches that are practically flat, all the way to hours-long hikes with significant changes in elevation. Over the past few years of trekking in this area, I have been able to discover an extraordinary variety of landscapes, panoramas, and environments, often enchanted by witnessing a beautiful sunset on one of the peaks surrounding the lake, fascinated by the extraordinary 360° panoramic view from Mount Guglielmo, or quite surprised when contemplating the vegetation-covered rocky formations of Bogn di Zorzino, whose shapes evoke exotic and remote locations.
Considering this is an ongoing content, I do not exclude the possibility that the article could be enriched with new hikes or further updated to include new details or content that I will produce in the future. Happy reading!
Trattandosi di un contenuto in divenire non escludo inoltre che l’articolo possa essere arricchito di nuove escursioni o ulteriormente aggiornato, andando ad includere nuovi dettagli o contenuti che produrrò in futuro. Buona lettura!
Sommario: Migliori trekking lago d’Iseo
- Sommario: Migliori trekking lago d'Iseo
- Croce di Sarnico e Forcella di Molere – Semplice trekking sulla punta sud del Lago d’Iseo
- Croce di Predore e monte Bronzone – Ascesa su uno dei monti più iconici del lago d’Iseo
- Punta Alta – Punto panoramico sul medio lago d’Iseo
- Bogn di Zorzino e San Defendente – Una baia isolata con immensi faraglioni di roccia
- Monte Colombina – Sendida vista sull’altopiano di Bossico
- Tredici Piante – Prati con vista panoramica dietro il paese di Zone
- Corna Trentapassi – Uno dei migliori tramonti sul lago d’Iseo
- Piramidi di Zone – Una riserva naturale con immense formazioni rocciose
- Monte Guglielmo – La montagna del lago d’Iseo
- Punta Almana – Una bellissima cresta completamente percorribile
- Colmi di Polaveno – Semplice trekking sulle colline sopra Sulzano
- Balota del Coren e Croce di Provaglio d’Iseo – Un sottile sperone roccioso sul lago d’Iseo
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Croce di Sarnico e Forcella di Molere – Semplice trekking sulla punta sud del Lago d’Iseo
Partiamo con un semplice quanto panoramico giro ad anello che inizia e termina nel paese di Sarnico. Fissato come punto di partenza uno dei numerosi parcheggi nella zona del cimitero, bisogna raggiungere via Cerro Alto, al termine della quale inizieranno a comparire una serie di cartelli che indicano la Forcella di Molere.
The trail immediately ascends quite steeply through a dense forest, gradually offering various views over the town and the southern section of Lake Iseo as you gain altitude. Particularly spectacular is the rocky clearing where the Croce di Sarnico stands, providing a 360° view of the Oglio River, the lake, and even the Torbiere del Sebino. It's a perfect spot to admire the sunrise or sunset.
The descent now takes place on a pebbled road and a series of steps, quickly leading back to the town's streets, reconnecting with the starting point. Although the trail extends to the northern part of the town, once the hike is completed, it takes just about ten minutes of walking to reach the center of Sarnico, concluding with a pleasant walk along the lakeside.
La discesa ora avviene su strada ciottolata e su una serie di scalini e in poco tempo si torna nuovamente nelle vie del paese, ricongiungendosi con il punto di partenza. Per quanto il sentiero si sviluppi nella parte nord del paese, una volta finita l’escursione con appena una decina di minuti di cammino è possibile raggiungere il centro di Sarnico, per poi concludere il tutto con una piacevole camminata sul lungolago.
For further information about this trek, you can refer to this article: Forcella Molere Trail - Visit Lake Iseo Official Tourism Portal
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 2:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 4,60 Km |
Elevation gain | 296 m |
Trail number | CAI 701 |
Hiking map to Sarnico cross and Forcella di Molere
Mappa: Trekking alla forcella di Sarnico
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Croce di Predore e monte Bronzone – Ascesa su uno dei monti più iconici del lago d’Iseo
One of the most recognizable peaks from the plain just south of Lake Iseo is undoubtedly Mount Bronzone, characterized by a grassy summit that features a large bell (freely usable once reached).
There are numerous routes to reach this splendid natural viewpoint over the lake and the plain (I should soon bring some on the blog). One of the most classic ones involves starting from the village of Viadanica, leaving the car just before the Alpine chapel of Lerano. Here, you begin to ascend gently along an asphalted road that leads, with wide hairpin turns, to the base of Mount Corno Buco. The first part of the road could potentially be assisted as along the carriageway, there are some lay-bys and parking spaces. However, since it's a somewhat narrow road, I don't feel comfortable recommending this second option to everyone.
Once reaching the last dirt lay-by of the road, the first signs indicating the trail to Mount Bronzone start to appear. If there's some spare time available, you can now take a short detour by turning right along the CAI 708 trail, which in a few dozen minutes bypasses Corno Buco and leads to the vast grassy plateau where the Croce di Predore stands. From here, you can have an excellent view over the central section of Lake Iseo and the main Brescia peaks that surround it; the place is also perfect for admiring the sunrise.
Backtracking a bit, you can now take the actual trail that leads to the top of Bronzone (CAI 701), which immediately plunges into a beautiful forest and gradually ascends with several switchbacks to the barren summit of the mountain. From up here, on clearer days, the view stretches over the entire plain, the hills of San Fermo, Mount Guglielmo, the Torbiere, and of course, a small section of the lake.
Additionally, here's a slightly more challenging variation starting from Sarnico: Trekking from Sarnico to Mount Bronzone
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 5:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 12,50 Km |
Elevation gain | 769 m |
Trail number | CAI 701 |
Predore cross and Bronzone mountain trekking map
Mappa: Trekking monte Bronzone e croce di Predore
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Punta Alta – Punto panoramico sul medio lago d’Iseo
Another noteworthy panoramic spot near the village of Predore is the peak called Punta Alta. To reach it, you can take a beautiful loop trail starting right in the town center, which allows you to visit the San Gregorio sanctuary and the incredibly scenic CAI 733 trail.
Starting from the town center, you'll ascend the steep streets, heading towards the Abiolo area. Here, you continue uphill on asphalt, then take a staircase leading to the grassy clearing where the sanctuary stands. Although not very high, this area still provides an excellent view of this section of the lake and the town below.
Continuing on asphalt and then a cemented road, you'll reach the entrance of trail 733. The path now becomes rocky, featuring several ups and downs, alternating between wooded areas and more open, panoramic zones.
Upon reaching the municipality of Tavernola, you turn left along the steep trail that cuts through the woods (CAI 707) and heads towards the summit of Punta Alta. The trail here becomes somewhat less distinct, and the view of the lake is entirely covered by the forest until you arrive at the summit of the mountain. The vista from here is very panoramic, although the moderate height might mean that haze could partially affect the view.
The return journey follows trail CAI 734, which, in a continuous descent, quickly merges with 733 before returning to the asphalt road previously taken.
For further details, you can refer to this article: Panoramic Path of Corno - Visit Lake Iseo Official Tourism Portal
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 3:30 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 7,41 Km |
Elevation gain | 800 m |
Trail number | CAI 733 – 707 |
Punta Alta hiking map
Mappa: trekking Punta Alta
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Bogn di Zorzino e San Defendente – Una baia isolata con immensi faraglioni di roccia
A trail I recently discovered is the section that connects the area known as Bogn di Zorzino (or Bogn Bay) with the beautiful panoramic area where the church of San Defendente stands.
You start from the hamlet of Zorzino, and at the end of via Castello, you take the short unmarked section that descends towards the coast, skirting the beautiful natural inlet that has formed in this part of the lake. It's characterized by immense rocky cliffs protruding from the dense vegetation, creating a landscape reminiscent of tropical locations, far removed from what one would typically admire in Italy.
Il sentiero scende poi sulla strada provinciale, la attraversa e prosegue sulla costa, attraversando una località turistica decisamente nota e frequentata per via delle numerose spiagge, del particolare paesaggio naturale e delle numerose aree dove poter fare il bagno. Attraversato questo splendido anfiteatro naturale si torna sulla strada, si prosegue per qualche decina di metri e si imbocca subito il ripido sentiero che sale in direzione nord, puntando verso le cime dei monti che chiudono questa parte del lago. Il sentiero prosegue con stretti tornanti che si aprono a splendide vedute sulla baia sottostante, per poi tuffarsi nuovamente nel bosco e proseguire la salita con alti gradoni.
Upon crossing trail CAI 565, you turn left, staying halfway up the slope, then ascend to the right along the 565 C. Even in this second stretch, the slope is not gentle. However, after several minutes, you finally emerge from the forest and reach the beautiful grassy area where the church of San Defendente and several picnic spots are located. This location allows you to observe the entire northern section of the lake, with a particular focus on the beautiful rock wall of Corna Trentapassi.
To return to Zorzino, you need to retrace your steps along trail 565 C, continue on 565, then enter the village and begin to descend through the streets until you return to the starting point.
Below, I've provided a much more detailed article describing this trek: Hike to Bogn di Zorzino - Orrido sul lago d'Iseo 2022 (
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 2:30 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 12 Km |
Elevation gain | 630 m |
Trail number | CAI 553, 554, 554A |
Map trekking Baia del Bogn and San Defendente
Mappa: trekking Bogn di Zorzino e San Defendente
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Monte Colombina – Sendida vista sull’altopiano di Bossico
One of the most scenic trails you can experience around Lake Iseo is undoubtedly the ascent to the summit cross of Monte Colombina. The journey begins in the village of Bossico and after ascending a bit into a dense forest, you start walking among soft green hills dotted with houses and farms. Gaining elevation, glimpses of the lake begin to open up, and soon, the distinct silhouette of Monte Colombina, the ultimate destination of the hike, becomes easily recognizable.
Upon reaching the large picnic area near the War Memorial Chapel, you continue on a cemented path, following a steep track through the woods that, within 40 minutes, leads to San Fermo area. Here, you'll find a small church, a pond, a covered picnic area, and even a small farm stay.
The steepest part of the entire hike is still ahead. Proceeding on trail CAI 554 and then veering left onto 554A, you head steeply towards the summit. The final meters of ascent, although challenging, offer the most spectacular views: as you climb, a splendid panorama unfolds over the upper Lake Iseo. The profile of Monte Isola becomes visible, the immense rocky wall of Corna Trentapassi can be admired, and in the distance, the snow-capped peak of Monte Guglielmo is visible. Upon reaching the summit cross, the view spans freely over the northern mountains, allowing you to admire the Presolana, Monte Pora, and Pizzo Arera.
The space around the cross is limited, but on the ridge, finding a spot to sit, perhaps for a picnic, is feasible. You can enjoy a fantastic sunset from this privileged vantage point. The return can be made along the same path taken earlier, or alternatively, you can complete a loop by following trail CAI 552 (not personally traversed).
For all the details about this hike, I recommend checking out this article: Excursion to Monte Colombina - Starting from Bossico ( and the YouTube video available here: Trekking on Monte COLOMBINA - Natural balcony over Lake ISEO (Bossico BG) - YouTube
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 2:30 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 12 Km |
Elevation gain | 630 m |
Trail number | CAI 553, 554, 554A |
Monte Colombina trekking map
Mappa: trekking monte Colombina
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Tredici Piante – Prati con vista panoramica dietro il paese di Zone
If you're seeking a simple hike that offers a truly impressive glimpse of Lake Iseo, I highly recommend the convenient climb to the location known as Tredici Piante starting from Zone. Although not very short, the entire trail unfolds mostly on a well-maintained path (part asphalted, part dirt) with a steady incline that should allow anyone to reach the destination at their own pace.
The journey commences from Zone, near the cemetery. Proceed straight, almost immediately entering the mountain road marked with the number CAI 294. Ascend through gentle switchbacks amidst the woods until reaching a small church and subsequently the Croce di Zone pass. From here, veer right, following trail CAI 207 (still a comfortable path).
Looking at a map, you'll notice several shortcuts and alternative routes that climb more steeply through the woods. Although I haven't personally taken these paths, I believe that, for those willing to exert more effort, the described trail could be significantly shortened. Nonetheless, in this context, I'll limit my advice to the main route.
Continuing the ascent through the woods, you'll arrive at a vast pasture, particularly adorned with flowers dancing in the spring breeze and hosting various free-roaming animals. The peak we aim to reach is clearly visible on the right, but the trail, at this point, turns left, leading towards Malga Aguina. From here, you'll enjoy a splendid view of the lake's last stretch and the main peaks of the Orobie Alps.
The trail, now 207, finally veers right and, with gentle switchbacks, begins to climb the mountainside, leading to a picnic area with cooking facilities. The summit of the mountain is now very close, prominently marked by a long wooden fence enclosing it entirely and 13 large trees arranged in a circle surrounding a disused hunting lodge.
Upon reaching the destination, you can choose to picnic under the shelter of the trees or move to the surrounding meadows, offering a truly unique view of the middle of Lake Iseo and the distinctive shape of Monte Isola.
You can conclude the hike by retracing your steps or decide to continue on trail 230, then turn right, returning to Zone along the "Gnome Trail" (CAI 234). For this final stretch, I strongly recommend having a map handy, as there are several roads and trails that intersect in this area, and it's easy to accidentally take the wrong path.
For all details regarding this trek, I suggest checking out this article: Excursion to Tredici Piante from Zone - Trekking (
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 4:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 11 Km |
Elevation gain | 746 m |
Trail number | CAI 207, 227, 230 |
Tredici Piante trekking map
Mappa: Trekking 13 Piante
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Corna Trentapassi – Uno dei migliori tramonti sul lago d’Iseo
The journey starts from Zone; however, for this excursion, it's advisable to leave your car along Via Aldo Moro. The signs directing towards Corna Trentapassi will be immediately visible from here. Follow the CAI 229 trail and start ascending along a comfortable mule track that immediately delves into a dense forest. Gentle switchbacks lead, in just a few minutes, to a couple of farmsteads, and soon, you'll encounter a junction: left leads directly towards the mountaintop, while right offers a more gradual ascent passing through the Trentapassi pass (I recommend the latter option).
Si parte anche in questo caso da Zone, per quanto per questa escursione sia decisamente meglio lasciare l’auto lungo Via Aldo Moro. Da qui saranno subito evidenti i cartelli che segnano la via per Corna Trentapassi. Si imbocca quindi il sentiero CAI 229 e si inizia a salire su una comoda mulattiera che si immerge da subito in un fitto bosco. I morbidi tornanti conducono in pochi minuti ad un paio di cascine e presto si incrocia una deviazione: a sinistra il sentiero corre diretto verso la cima del monte, a destra la strada sale invece più morbida passando per la forcella Trentapassi (consiglio la seconda opzione).
Continue ascending along this road, and in a few minutes, you'll reach a small clearing at the pass with a couple of picnic tables. The thick vegetation obstructs a clear view of the surrounding landscape. Therefore, I suggest taking a few steps on the trail 205/209 to reach a beautiful natural balcony, free from trees, providing views of the northern section of the lake, the towns of Castro and Lovere, and the initial part of Val Camonica.
Now, continue along the CAI 205 trail, which has transformed into a typical mountain path, navigating almost level ground, encircling the side of Corna Trentapassi. At a fork in the trail, veer right (CAI 205), beginning the ascent up the mountain's southern slope with steep switchbacks on a rocky terrain. The technical difficulty of this stretch isn't high, but it's essential to watch your step and proceed cautiously due to the considerable slope.
As you ascend, leaving the trees behind, a spectacular view of the lake opens up to the south. This breathtaking view remains largely consistent until reaching the summit, making it challenging to pinpoint the best spot for a photo. Continuing with a moderate incline, you'll reach a small detour to reach the cross on the eastern peak. If you have energy left, I recommend taking this short detour, which will lead you back to the main trail within about ten minutes. A few more minutes of ascent will bring you to the beautiful rocky expanse of Corna Trentapassi adorned with a large metal cross, a small table, a summit logbook, and little else.
As you ascend, leaving the trees behind, a spectacular view of the lake opens up to the south. This breathtaking view remains largely consistent until reaching the summit, making it challenging to pinpoint the best spot for a photo. Continuing with a moderate incline, you'll reach a small detour to reach the cross on the eastern peak. If you have energy left, I recommend taking this short detour, which will lead you back to the main trail within about ten minutes. A few more minutes of ascent will bring you to the beautiful rocky expanse of Corna Trentapassi adorned with a large metal cross, a small table, a summit logbook, and little else.
For further details on this hike, I recommend checking out this article: Trekking from Zone to Corna Trentapassi - Visit Lake Iseo Official Tourism Portal
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 3:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 6 Km |
Elevation gain | 538 m |
Trail number | CAI 229 – 205 |
Corna Trentapassi map
Mappa: Trekking Corna Trentapassi
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Piramidi di Zone – Una riserva naturale con immense formazioni rocciose
A simple yet incredibly scenic trail is the easy loop inside the Pyramids of Zone natural reserve. Established in 1984, this protected area contains several rock formations that, over thousands of years, have taken on a unique shape characterized by tongues of debris reaching up to 30 meters, topped with immense dark boulders resting on their peaks. These peculiar natural compositions are extremely fascinating, and being able to admire them while walking along a simple path immersed in a lush forest is truly a delightful experience.
The trail starts near the San Giorgio church, where there is ample free parking. After passing a bar and a playground, you'll almost immediately find the entrance to trail CAI 225. Initially, the trail crosses some meadows, but soon it descends into the woods, and within ten minutes, you'll come across a wooden fence that offers a perfect view of a large depression in the ground from which these strange rock formations arise. The best areas to view the pyramids are almost always fenced and equipped with benches, tables, and various information boards displaying the trail and providing diverse details about the site.
The path then loses considerable altitude, alternating between sections in dense forest and more open areas where you can perfectly appreciate the pyramids. Once you reach the lower limit of the reserve, the trail becomes almost flat and begins to climb the previously seen depression in the ground, coming very close to the immense rock formations, allowing you to admire them from below. This section is arguably the most spectacular of the entire excursion.
The ascent begins again, reaching near the asphalt road leading to Zone. From this point onwards, trail 225 runs parallel to the road, gaining back all the meters in altitude lost, until reaching the last houses of the hamlet and reconnecting with the parking area.
For further information about this trekking, I recommend the following article: Trekking in the Pyramids of Zone Natural Reserve - Visit Lake Iseo Official Tourism Portal
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 1:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 2,5 Km |
Elevation gain | 166 m |
Trail number |
Piramidi di Zone trekking map
Mappa: Trekking Piramidi di Zone
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Monte Guglielmo – La montagna del lago d’Iseo
The ascent to Mount Guglielmo is probably one of the greatest classics in the Brescia area, offering an extremely diverse, panoramic trail capable of providing excellent views practically in every season of the year. As it is the main mountain in the area, there are multiple access routes, although my preferred routes are the trail from Zone or the variant from Croce di Marone
Starting from the Croce di Marone refuge, the elevation gain slightly decreases, and noteworthy views might be encountered a bit earlier. Leaving the car near the refuge, you almost immediately take the CAI 290 trail. For long stretches of ascent, the trail is nothing but a comfortable and wide dirt road, easily passable even on a mountain bike.
After the initial stretch in the woods, you emerge from the trees and begin to admire the first beautiful views of Punta Almana and the entire Val Trompia. Continuing with wide switchbacks, you reach Magla Guglielmo di Sotto, a broad flat section perfect for resting and enjoying the first glimpses of Lake Iseo. From here, the road becomes steeper, and with short switchbacks, you gain several meters in elevation, eventually reaching Malga Guglielmo di Sopra.
Here, the impressive shape of the peak is clearly visible, as well as the structure of the Almici refuge. Continuing on the same trail leads to the clearing of the refuge, and from there, you continue along the ridge to reach the grassy peak of Mount Guglielmo, characterized by the large monument dedicated to the Christ the Redeemer. The summit of the mountain is extremely vast, and walking on its meadows allows you to reach various spots ideal for admiring different sections of the Alpine arc, the plains, or Lake Iseo. The complete absence of natural barriers and the altitude of about 1,900 meters undeniably make the top of Mount Guglielmo one of the most panoramic spots in the entire area.
Conclusa l’escursione con una pausa al rifugio o qualche scatto all’alba e al tramonto, non resta che scendere seguendo tutto il tratto dell’andata.
For further information about the trek to Mount Guglielmo, I refer you to this article: Mount Guglielmo from Croce di Marone - Stefano Poma
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 4:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 14 Km |
Elevation gain | 775 m |
Trail number | CAI 290 |
Monte Guglielmo hiking map
Mapppa: Trekking monte Guglielmo
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Punta Almana – Una bellissima cresta completamente percorribile
Punta Almana is a mountain of modest size located right in the middle of Lake Iseo, along the Brescia coast. The excursion to reach its peak follows a long loop characterized by a significant elevation gain and some sections through forests that are not particularly panoramic. However, once you reach the mountain's summit, everything changes: the thin path that runs along the entire Punta Almana ridge is one of the most scenic trails around Lake Iseo. On particularly clear days, the view stretches from the Bergamo Alps to the Torbiere del Sebino, from the top of Mount Guglielmo to the entire Apennine range visible along the edge of the Po Valley. All this is further enhanced by an extremely wide view of almost the entire Lake Iseo and the various villages along its coast.
The starting point is set in the small hamlet of Portole, from where the CAI 290 trail immediately begins. The first part of the trail is asphalted and leads to the last houses of the village. After that, the path becomes cemented and starts to ascend the forest with steep switchbacks and an elevation gain that doesn't seem to decrease. After several minutes of walking, you reach the Forcella di Sale, a known spot for paragliding launches.
From here, the trail becomes gravelly, crosses the pass, descends the Val Trompia, and then veers right along the 393. This section traverses halfway up the eastern slope of Punta Almana, offering excellent views of the mountains surrounding Val Trompia. When you reach a grassy area, the trail sharply turns right and with an increasingly steep slope, heads straight towards the mountain ridge. Upon reaching the top, you can now stroll along the soft grassy ridge, captivated by the beautiful views that unfold towards the west.
The return can now follow the same path as the ascent. Alternatively, you can continue along the ridge, descending to the Croce di Pezzolo area. Here, turn right along a path that turns into a trail again, continuing the descent until you reach the Portole parking lot.
For all the details of this excursion, refer to this comprehensive article: Punta Almana - Trekking on Lake Iseo from Portole 2022 (
Difficoltà | EE – Escursionistico |
Duration | 4:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 9,30 Km |
Elevation gain | 848 m |
Trail number | CAI 290 – 3V |
Punta Almana trekking map
Mappa: Trekking Punta Almana
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Colmi di Polaveno – Semplice trekking sulle colline sopra Sulzano
Let's go back to a simple walk suitable for practically anyone. The Colmi di Polaveno are hilly areas right near the town of Sulzano and Mont'Isola. Here, a series of trails wind through forests, meadows, and isolated rural houses, offering excellent views of the lake, Sulzano, and the Bergamo Alps behind.
Although the route can vary according to your preferences, I suggest starting from the ample parking area on Via Santa Maria del Giogo. From here, begin ascending the road until you reach the clearing where the i Colmi trattoria is located. Right next to the trattoria, the CAI 255 trail starts, immediately immersing you into the woods, passing some hunting lodges, and then reaching a beautiful extremely panoramic grassy area. Most of the meadows here are fenced and used for grazing, but even without straying too far from the trail, you can enjoy a truly impressive view of Lake Iseo.
After passing a rural house, the trail joins a mule track and continues uphill for several minutes, passing by some houses, encircling Mount Castellino, and after a final climb, arrives at the grassy clearing where the Santa Maria del Gioco church is located. The lake view here is somewhat obstructed by dense vegetation, but it's still worth a long break. If you wish to continue, the trail goes beyond the church, reaches the Santa Maria trattoria, and joins the asphalted road, Via Santa Maria (where there is also parking).
Il ritorno può essere compito seguendo la stessa strada dell’andata, alternativamente si può imboccare il sentiero CAI 310 (appena dopo la chiesa) il quale scende più deciso nel bosco e permette di tornare al parcheggio senza dover deviare alla trattoria i Colmi
For further details on this trekking, refer to this article: Passeggiata tra I Colmi - Visit Lake Iseo Portale Ufficiale turismo Lago d'Iseo and this YouTube video: Lago d'ISEO - SULZANO X-T3 [ 4K ] (
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 2:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | Sì |
Length | 5 Km |
Elevation gain | 228 m |
Trail number | CAI 255 – 310A |
Colmi di Polaveno map
Mappa: Trekking Colmi di polaveno
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Balota del Coren e Croce di Provaglio d’Iseo – Un sottile sperone roccioso sul lago d’Iseo
The last itinerary in this collection is also the one that I've probably walked more times due to its simplicity and the numerous photographic opportunities offered by the various viewpoints scattered along the trail. I'm talking about the simple hike to reach the Croce di Provaglio d’Iseo and subsequently the Balota del Coren, a small cross situated on a rocky outcrop right near the town of Iseo.
Start at one of the numerous parking areas in the town of Provaglio d’Iseo and begin ascending the asphalted road, Via San Rocco, which leads to the homonymous little church and the ruins of an old castle. From here, the trail becomes concrete, and as you continue through the woods, you soon arrive at the Sanctuary of Madonna del Corno, a perfect panoramic viewpoint to admire part of the Po Valley and the Torbiere del Sebino.
Back on the trail, you'll immediately spot the 290 deviation that turns right into the woods. Following this path would lead you to the Balota del Coren, but before that, I recommend continuing straight, making a quick detour towards the Croce di Provaglio. The trail remains relatively flat, passing by some rural houses and hunting lodges. After a short descent, it leads to a small rocky clearing where the cross is located. Here, you can sit and admire the beautiful view of the southern part of Lake Iseo and the lovely reflections generated in the water mirrors of the Torbiere. Needless to say, it's a perfect spot to watch the sunset.
Retracing your steps, you can now take the CAI 290 trail, which immediately ascends steeply through the woods, almost immediately hiding the lake views and the landscape. The ascent isn’t overly complicated, but the constant elevation gain and some slightly slippery areas obviously require reasonable attention. After reaching a hunting lodge, the trail levels out, and after a wide left turn, it exits the vegetation and enters a narrow rocky spur leading to the clearing where the Balota del Coren stands. The view of the lake, Iseo, and Mount Bronzone from this location is truly magnificent, albeit the Torbiere can no longer be seen entirely. Note that there are no fences or protections in this section of the trail, so if you suffer from vertigo, it's advisable not to proceed further to reach the cross.
The return journey follows the same stretch as the outbound, without the possibility of completing loops or significantly varying the trail.
For further details about this itinerary, refer to this article: Balota del Coren - Un balcone naturale sul lago d'Iseo primavera 2022 (
Difficoltà | E – Escursionistico |
Duration | 3:00 (A/R) |
Ring tour | No |
Length | 7 Km |
Elevation gain | 496 m |
Trail number | CAI 290 |
Balota del Coren map
Mappa: Trekking Balota del Coren
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Other excursions in Brescia and Bergamo
Excursion to Case di Viso with snowshoes
Escursione ai Laghi di Bruffione – Giro ad anello
Escursione a Cima Comer – Trekking sul Lago di Garda (Autunno 2021)
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Currently the only way to support me is to "donate me a coffee" through the fundraising function provided by PayPal. Anything raised will be used exclusively for improving the quality of my content. Software subscriptions, plugins, pc components, new lenses, filters, etc. Unfortunately, the work of a photographer and video maker is not cheap and there are many upgrades I would have to make to my current equipment.
Where to follow me? Do you want to stay updated?
- Newsletter: The best way to stay updated as new articles are published.
- YouTube Channel: Here you will find videos regarding my photography excursions, reflections and product reviews related to the world of hiking and photography.
- Instagram Page: short trailers via Reels, news and quick communication with stories and most of my photography publication.
- Wikiloc: maps of the treks I do. Please note, all treks not yet posted on the blog are set as private on Wikiloc.
Some of the photos you see in this article were taken and post-produced by @stefanodosselli (Instagram page).